Roz Weisberg Biography and Resume

I decided to return to school to get my MFA at Antioch University Los Angeles when writing 3 pages a week for a writer’s group became a novel. While at Antioch I was the Y/A editor for our literary journal Lunch Ticket, published book annotations, interviewed an award-winning Y/A author and was invited to read some of my non-fiction at local bookstores.

As an Associate Book Editor for the (Un)Kind Book Editor, I edited memoirs, sci-fi fantasy, literary fiction and flash fiction.

Prior to returning to school I was an independent film/television producer where I found and developed books, articles and original material working closely with writers at all different stages of their careers. Some of the films I worked on include Beastly, What Women Want, Where The Heart Is, The Mistress of Spices, and Firelight. I also produced short films Being Vincent (written and directed by Noah Hawley of the tv series Fargo) and the award-winning short film The Heebie Jeebies.

Picture of Roz Weisberg, hair up, wearing pearls

Roz Weisberg